Tag Archives: Interview

10 things to AVOID in an interview


1. A weak handshake

A hand shake is vital in an interview, on introduction and when leaving. A weak handshake is one of the most common interview issues, with many candidates giving off the impression that they’re fragile and unconfident based on their handshake. So make sure to always make it noticeably firm when shaking the hand of an interviewer.

2. Chewing gum
A surprising number of job applicants chew gum during their interviews, including many experienced professionals, lowering their chances of being accepted for their dream job. By all means have a chewing gum or a mint beforehand because nobody wants to have smelly breath during an interview, but make sure you get rid before sitting down for the interview.
3. Answering the phone
Letting your phone ring in an interview – particularly if you stop to answer it – is one of the most serious interview mistakes. Make sure your phone is on silent or completely off throughout the duration of the interview.
4. Being Desperate or Pushy
Sometimes you want the job so badly that it’s hard to keep your calm and maintain perspective. But being too desperate or eager will only poison your chances. People like to work with others who are confident and easy-going, not pushy and inconsiderate.
5. Not providing specific examples
Sure, you say you’ve got the skills, but can you back them up? Using specific examples from your experience will paint a much clearer picture of the value you’ll add to the organization.

6. Showing up late
Work out exactly where you’re going and how you’re going to get there. If you can, do a practice run. On the day allow yourself 30 minutes for traffic problems or delays. If for some reason you’re running late, call your interviewer to let them know.
7. Lying
This includes big lies like falsifying your work history, but also smaller lies like claiming to have experience in an area that you don’t. It’s very easy for your interviewer to catch you out with a few follow-up questions.
8. Not asking any questions
Asking a few questions towards the end of the interview shows you’re confident, thoughtful and are seriously interested in the position. If you’re stuck for questions, some good fall-back options include asking what kind of training opportunities the employer offers, what the workplace culture is like or what career opportunities are available.
8. appearing arrogant or rude
It’s great to show that you’re confident in an interview, but don’t let that confidence tip over into arrogance. Listen carefully to what your interviewer is saying, don’t interrupt and don’t attempt too many jokes. While it’s good to be friendly, you don’t want to say anything that could cause offence.
10. Letting your nerves get the better of you
This is probably the most difficult mistake to avoid. Interviews make everyone a bit anxious. You need to learn how to manage your nerves as best you can but interviewers will expect people to be slightly nervous anyway so don’t worry about it too much.


Avoiding these mistakes will leave you in favour of being successful during any interview.

Don’t say we didn’t warn you 😉

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Interview tip of the week

Derrick, Career Advisor at Jobchange

Derrick, Career Advisor at Jobchange

Our most recent Interview Tip of the week has been suggested by Derrick. And Derrick says:

“A job interview gives you the chance to shine”

Want to shine on your Interview but don’t know how? What to do to stand out from the crowd and impress employers? Drop us a line on Facebook to book yourself in for a professional Career Advice session and get answer to all your questions!

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Interview tip of the week

Alexander, Jobchange Career Advisor

Alexander, Jobchange Career Advisor


Alex, Career Advisor at Jobchange suggests:

“Always have a positive attitude and a positive mindset”

Do you want to know why is it important to stay positive and make sure you go on an interview with the right attitude? Drop us a line on Facebook, book yourself in for Interview Techniques session and get answer to all your questions!

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Interview tip of the week!


Tom, Career Advisor at Jobchange

Tom, Career Advisor at Jobchange, known for his inspirational personality, provides us with this week’s Interview tips. And he says:

“Always ensure you are well prepared.

Failure to Prepare is Preparation for Failure.”

Want to know how to prepare for an interview? Drop us a line on Facebook and make sure you’ve got everything ready before that important day when you are interviewed!

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Jobchange Interview Tip of the week!

Jobchange Interview Techniques

Learn about Interview Techniques at Jobchange


This week’s interview tip comes from our Career Advisor, Rayon. And he says:

“Make sure you arrive at least 30 minutes before an interview”

If you want to know why and what to do for 30 minutes before the actual interview starts – book yourself in for a professional interview techniques session! Just drop us a line!

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5 interview tips from Jobchange

Interview help available at Jobchange

Get prepared for an interview with Jobchange

1. Update your social media profiles

It may sound a little bit odd, however, more and more employers perform online checks on their candidates. Check what comes up after you type in your name in Google search. Is that something worth sharing with your future employer? If so, it’s great. If it isn’t – make sure you delete the content.

If you use social media – update your profile picture and about section, make it catchy! And if you are not particularly interested in what Twitter or Facebook have to offer – start using alternatives: websites like about.me, LinkedIn.com or VisualCV.com will definitely boost your online presence.

2. Prepare yourself

Even if you consider yourself as a great communicator who is not afraid of any formal meetings and conversations – make sure you prepare yourself before an interview. There is nothing worse than an interviewee who does not know anything about the company he or she wants to work at. Take a look at employer’s website, look for the most recent events, future plans – impress the employer with your knowledge about the company – in that way you are showing that you are truly interested in the job.

3. Practice your answers

Internet is a great source of the most common interview questions. We chose the most common ones:

–          Tell me about yourself

–          What do you expect to be doing in 5 years time?

–          What are your weaknesses?

–          What salary are you seeking

–          Describe a situation where you worked in a team

Make sure that before you go on an interview you know answers to all these questions. Once you are prepared, you can be sure you will be more relaxed on an interview which will help you to stay focused and answer any further questions more easily.

4. Work on your body language

80% of human interaction is non-verbal – that is why your body language can be one of the most important advantages while being interviewed. Make direct eye contact and lean a bit forward – these two simple gestures will show the employer that you are self-confident, therefore, ready to take up the challenge of the new role.

5. Ask questions

Usually, the very last question that comes from the interviewer’s mouth is: “Have YOU got any questions?” That is a great opportunity to make a positive impression at the end of the interview. Again, you can show you have done your homework and ask about certain things related to the company. Make sure you prepare your questions – remember that employers can also make judgements on the questions you ask.


To make sure you are fully prepared for an interview, make an appointment with our Advisor – they’ll provide you with many useful tips and will help you to boost your confidence.

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